【同义词辨析】 2020-06-02 主导dominant-sovereign
dominant: applies to something that is uppermost because it rules or controls: a ~ wolf. (主宰和主导两个词的意思接近,但力度不同。主宰是"完全地""控制和掌握"。主导是起"引导或控制"的作用,类似于支配) (如he denied that his country wants to dominate Europe他否认他的国家想要控制欧洲,又如father was no longer the dominant figure of the family随着妇女就业,父亲不再是家里的主导人物,如dominant figure/lion/hand/force/role/gene/trait主导(宰)人物/狮王/常用手/主导(宰)力量/角色/显性基因/特征)
predominant: applies to something that exerts, often temporarily, the most marked influence on a person or a situation: at the time fear was my ~ emotion. 如Amanda's predominant emotion was that of confusion阿曼达主要还是感到困惑,如the predominant political forces/culture/color主要政治力量/主流文化/主色调 解释中说常表示暂时的,但从这些例子看不是这样,所以没有译出
paramount: implies supremacy in importance, rank, or jurisdiction: inflation was the ~ issue in the campaign. rank级别 jurisdiction管辖权即权力 (supremacy显著的超越众人的优势地位implies superiority over all others that is usually perfectly apparent or generally accepted,如the supremacy of Shakespeare among English dramatists莎士比亚在英国剧作家中的至上地位,如naval supremacy制海权海上优势海上霸权/male supremacy大男子主义/the fallacy of "white supremacy"白人至上主义谬论/quantum supremacy量子优势) 中朝等国常说的最高领导人是paramount leader,派拉蒙影业公司英文名称是Paramount Pictures, Inc.以群星环绕雪山的标志为人所熟知,明星众多,影片质量高,一直坐在好莱坞霸主的宝座,可以配得上paramount这个名字
preponderant: applies to an element or factor that outweighs all others with which it may come into comparison in influence, power, number, or effect: ~ evidence in his favor. 又如concentrate preponderant forces集中优势兵力,in youth passion is preponderant青春期最热情,greed is a miser's preponderant characteristic.贪婪是一个守财奴的主要特点,the preponderant influence of the US within the alliance美国在同盟中的巨大影响力
sovereign: indicates quality or rank to which everything else is clearly subordinate or inferior: the ~ power resides in the people. (quality属性泛指任何属性,如权力影响力重要性地位等,这里应指power权力) 这个词还出现在20190716独立free-independent组,感觉更好理解stresses the absence of a superior or dominant power and implies supremacy within one's own domain or sphere强调没有更高权力,如a sovereign nation not subject to the laws of another主权国家无需遵守他国法律
dominant主宰主导: 指统治控制,因而最高,predominant主要主流显著: 指最具影响力,paramount最高: 指最高的级别权力重要性,preponderant主要: 指最大(outweigh重过,力量大)力量影响力数量效果,sovereign主权最高权: 强调不存在更高的权力或主宰力量
记忆方法: 1) 首字母DPPPS想成3人的事<==需有人主导 "主"是象形字,古字形像"灯中有火炷"的样子,是"炷"的初文。对于灯来讲火头是最主要的,即最基本最突出的; 又引申指君主,进而引申出奴隶主业主一家之主; 还表示当事人即事主。主也用作动词,表示负主要责任,即"掌管主持"
2) 主导的意思是拥有最高权力影响力重要性mean superior to all others in power, influence, or importance.首字母DPPPS想成3人的事<==需有人主导 superior指"最"好"最"高,,来自词根SUPER表示之上高多over, higher, more than,如superlative形容词最高级supersede取代insuperable无法克服的无法超越的superfluous多余的superman超人supernova超新星